Workshop on defining the state of the art in software. Software assurance consortium permanent dead link software assurance forum for excellence in code safecode nasa software assurance guidebook and standard see quality assurance in ieee 610. It provides an overview of the current state of the environment in which defense and national security software must operate then surveys current and emerging activities and organizations. State of the art soar reports investigate developments in ia issues. A state of the art report, which provides a comprehensive look at the most significant of todays efforts to improve the state of software security assurance. Our 2019 application security risk report reveals the latest industry trends and insights in the application security landscape. Software assurance a strategic initiative of the u. Ten personal observations that aim to bolster stateoftheart and stateofpractice in application security. Oct 18, 2017 therefore, the state of software security report, which draws from the broad and deep pool of our cloudbased platform data, is an essential tool in building an adequate response to the growing threats. A state of the art report july 2007 and the insider threat to information systems october 2008, published by the defense technical information cener dtic. Software assurance software assurance linkedin slideshare. Software assurance swa is defined as the level of confidence that software is free from. A guide to the most effective secure development practices. Source code security analysis tools scan a textual human readable version of source files that comprise a portion or all of an application program.
The report, which presents observations about noteworthy trends in software security assurance as a discipline, also describes the. The editorial team of the stateoftheart secure ict landscapes deliverable hopes you will find this. Software security assurance overview september 2011 cert research report. This information assurance technology analysis center iatac state of the art soar describes the current state of the art in software security assurance. The stateoftheart in software security assurance then is much less mature than the stateoftheart for corollary disciplines of software quality assurance and softwar e safety assurance. Gain a deeper understanding of software security for 2017. Information assurance technology analysis center wikipedia. It provides an overview of the current state of the environment in which. A stateoftheart report,2 which provides an broad overview of the current methodologies, practices, technologies, and activities engaged in by government, industry, and academia for producing secure software and verifying softwares security. The information assurance technology analysis center iatac, an information analysis center within the defense technical information center dtic, has just published software security assurance.
Software stateoftheart resources soar matrix nist samate. Software security assurance stateoftheart report soar v the information assurance technology analysis center iatac provides the department of defense dod with emerging scientific and technical information to support defensive information operations. This is the case because software engineering lacks the rigorous. The software stateoftheart resources soar matrix defines and describes. A state of the art report, which provides a comprehensive look at the most significant of todays efforts to improve the state of software. She was lead author of software security assurance.
Collaboratively advancing strategies to mitigate software. She supports the dhs software assurance program, not least as lead authoreditor of enhancing the. For example, the dod developers guidebook summarizes the stateoftheart resources soar for software vulnerability detection, test, and evaluation, a large report by the institute for defense analyses that lists software tools and related information to help dod program managers make decisions about software assurance and supply chain. Software assurance annual computer security applications. Finally, we present some recommendations for the development of nextgeneration cloud security and assurance solutions. An overview of recommended algorithms can be found in the enisa report on algorithms, key. Successful completion of phase i sbir, hybrid analysis mapping ham. Then, we introduce the notion of cloud security assurance and analyze its growing impact on cloud security approaches. Software assurance includes the disciplines of software reliability 2 also known as software fault tolerance, software safety, 3 and software security. Our community of professionals is committed to lifetime learning, career progression and sharing expertise for the benefit of individuals and organizations around the globe. She is a subject matter expert in software assurance, cyber security, and information assurance.
This information assurance technology analysis center iatac state ofthe art soar describes the current state ofthe art in software security assurance. In this section of the research report, the authors summarize the research that focuses on addressing security in early phases of acquisition and software development. First, we provide an overview of the state of the art on cloud security. Hardware and software assurance, for the office of the deputy assistant. Published in journal of cyber security and information systems. The masst workshop adopted the software assurance approach in which presentations and discussions were focused on reliability, safety, dependability, and security. This information assurance technology analysis center iatac stateoftheart report soar describes the current stateoftheart in software security assurance. If you continue to use this site, you agree to the use of cookies. This information assurance technology analysis center iatac stateoftheart soar describes the current stateoftheart in software security assurance. A supplement 2 expansion through development, acquisition, and partnering has developed. The report, which presents observations about noteworthy trends in software security assurance as a discipline, also describes the variety of techniques and technologies in use in government, industry, and academia for specifying, acquiring, producing, assessing, and deploying software that can, with a justifiable degree of confidence, be said. Software security assurance state of the art report soar iii about the authors integration asd nii, us army information and intelligence warfare directorate i2wd, us army communicationelectronics command cecom, disa, national security agency nsa, farberware, and hoffritz.
It provides an overview of the current state of the environment in which defense and national security software must. The main objective of software assurance is to ensure that the processes, procedures, and products used to. The purpose of this, stateoftheartpaper resources soar for software vulnerability detection, test, and evaluationis to, assist department of defense dod program managers pm, and their staffs, in making effective software assurance swa and software supply chain risk management scrm decisions, particularly when they. Software security assurance stateoftheart report soar xi. The stateoftheart report soar published by the information assurance technology analysis center iatac at. Micro focus uses cookies to give you the best online experience. Getting secure software assurance knowledge into conventional. The stateoftheart report soar published by the information assurance technology analysis center iatac at security. Information assurance technology analysis center aug. Whats new in the state of software security 2017 report.
Open web application security project owasp top 10, are helpful in identifying. Software sites tucows software library shareware cdroms software capsules compilation cdrom images zx spectrum doom level cd featured image all images latest this just in flickr commons occupy wall street flickr cover art usgs maps. Establishment of a new degree program is a very ambitious undertaking. Attacks targeting the application layer are on the rise. Stateoftheart resources soar for software vulnerability. Information assurance soar stateoftheart report soar july 31, 2007 technology analysis center iatac data and analysis center for software dacs. The stateoftheart resource for software vulnerability detection, test, and evaluation. Software security assurance state of the art report. In the 2008 janfeb special issue on security of the ieee software magazine, the authors present their analysis.
Software quality assurance in large scale and complex softwareintensive systems presents novel and highquality research related approaches that relate the quality of software architecture to system requirements, system architecture and enterprisearchitecture, or software testing. Department of homeland security to promote integrity, security, and reliability in software collaboratively advancing strategies to mitigate software supply chain risks 30 july 2009 joe jarzombek, pmp, csslp director for software assurance national. A stateoftheart report july 2007 and the insider threat to information systems october 2008, published by the defense technical information cener dtic. A guide for project managers is on the third of these, software security, which is the ability of software to resist, tolerate, and recover from. Nov 15, 2010 this information assurance technology analysis center iatac state of the art report soar provides a representative overview of the current state of the art of the measurement of cyber security and information assurance csia.
In the 2008 janfeb special issue on security of the ieee software magazine, the authors present their analysis of current it security requirements literature. A historical perspective of community collaboration. That report is aimed primarily at software developers, and includes presentation and discussions of methods, tools, and techniques that are emerging or in use. Measuring cyber security and information assurance stateoftheart report soar 3. It security requirements open security architecture. Whether you are in or looking to land an entrylevel position, an experienced it practitioner or manager, or at the top of your field, isaca offers the credentials to prove you have what it takes to excel in your current and future roles. Insider threat, 24 25 software security assurance, 26 risk management for the offtheshelf information communications technology supply chain, 27 and measuring cyber security and information assurance. In fact, the name of any followon workshop should be changed from software testing to software assurance. The stateoftheart report soar published by the information assurance technology analysis center iatac at pdf. The metrics presented here are based on real application risk postures, drawn from.
This years state of software security, the eighth edition of this research report, is our biggest and most comprehensive yet. The report offers indepth analysis of trends in vulnerability types, policy compliance, development practices, and more, across multiple industries. This information assurance technology analysis center iatac state ofthe art report soar describes the current state ofthe art in software security assurance. Veracodes state of software security report provides the security industrys clearest picture of software security risk. Jun 02, 2008 software assurance includes the disciplines of software reliability 2 also known as software fault tolerance, software safety, 3 and software security. The software assurance stateoftheart resource csiac. Apply the analysis tools, use their results, and report appropriately. Software security assurance state of the art report soar.
Standards and legislation provide incomplete security coverage. The report also describes the variety of techniques and technologies in use in government, industry, and academia. The soar provides an overview of the current state of the environment in which software must operate and surveys current and emerging activities and organizations involved in promoting various aspects of software security assurance. The report offers indepth analysis of veracode application scanning data to identify trends in vulnerability types, policy compliance, development practices. Stateoftheart resources soar for software vulnerability detection, test, and evaluation report wheeler 2016 is particularly valuable for developers creating software for the department of defense dod, we have included a summary of the report and its approach for selecting tools. Software is itself a resource and thus must be afforded appropriate security since the number of threats specifically targeting software is increasing, the security of our software that we produce or procure must be assured. Goertzel and others published software security assurance. Veracodes state of software security report provides the clearest picture of software security risk. Software security assurance stateoftheart report soar iii about the authors integration asd nii, us army information and intelligence warfare directorate i2wd, us army communicationelectronics command cecom, disa, national security agency nsa, farberware, and hoffritz. This information assurance technology analysis center iatac state of the art report soar provides a representative overview of the current state of the art of the measurement of cyber security and information assurance csia. Software security assurance is a process that helps design and implement software that protects the data and resources contained in and controlled by that software. It provides an overview of the current state of the environment in which defense and national security software must operate then surveys current and emerging activities and organizations involved in promoting various aspects of software security assurance. Software assurance swa is defined as the level of confidence that software is free from vulnerabilities, either intentionally designed into the software or accidentally inserted at any time during its lifecycle, and that the software functions in the intended manner. Stateoftheart soar reports investigate developments in ia issues.
Insider threat, 24 25 software security assurance, 26 risk management for the off the shelf information communications technology supply chain, 27 and measuring cyber security and information assurance. Measuring cyber security and information assurance. Colon holds a bs in computer science and is a member of the. Software assurance swa is defined as the level of confidence that software is free from vulnerabilities, either intentionally designed into the software or accidentally inserted at anytime during its lifecycle, and that the software functions in the intended manner. Software security assurance ssa is the process of ensuring that software is designed to operate at a level of security that is consistent with the potential harm that could result from the loss, inaccuracy, alteration, unavailability, or misuse of the data and resources that it uses, controls, and protects. A stateoftheart report,2 which provides an broad overview of the current methodologies, practices, technologies, and activities engaged in by government, industry, and academia for producing secure. Application lifecycle management tool for software quality assurance and test management to deliver apps quickly with confidence.
Finally, the soar also addresses the reasons why so many csia measurement efforts fall short of the expectations that stakeholders place on these efforts, and describes characteristics of successful efforts. As a consequence, the project team anticipated that some universities would elect to establish tracks or specializations in software assurance within existing masters degree programs, such as in master of software engineering degrees, rather than establish a separate. Nist software assurance metrics and tool evaluation, or samate, project aims to better characterize the state of the art for different classes of software security assurance tools. State of the art resources soar for software vulnerability detection, test, and evaluation report wheeler 2016 is particularly valuable for developers creating software for the department of defense dod, we have included a summary of the report and its approach for selecting tools. The stateoftheart resource for software vulnerability detection, test, and evaluation, a. Educational initiatives to support software assurance prioritiescybersecurity is an area of international concern. The remainder of the guidebook provides more detailed instructions on selecting tools and creating a secure workflow, with instructions for special circumstances, such as during sustainment and acquisition. We started with analyzing the current state of the art and related work to find a. Yet it is well documented that commonly used software engineering practices continue to permit dangerous defects, which let attackers compromise millions of computers every year 2. Application security is sometimes confused with software related to security, but it is about hav. When a company perceives that its market position is threatened for lack of a particular category of tool or solution, it develops it, acquires it, borrows it through partnering, or gets out of the. Karen mercedes goertzel, cissp, is a subjectmatter expert sme in software assurance, the insider threat to information systems, crossdomain information sharing, and information assurance and cyber security technologies and trends at booz allen hamilton.
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